Friday, June 23, 2006

Stuttgart Photographs Menu

The following photographs are (unfortunately, not in chronological order):

1. Aussie team comes over to wave to me after the game.
2. Killed a few hours at the fantastic Mercedes Museum (where I was pleased to see my car is still the current model in Germany).
3. On the wrong train to the game, full of Croatians.
4. One of the tent cities for fans on a budget (a hell of a way to do it when German B&B with great breakfast was only E30 a night.
5.After party in Schlossplatz in the centre of town. Aussies v Croats v Pommy Party Crashers.
6. Meet up with brother-in-law Declan before the game.
7. Fans go mad after Harry scores equaliser.
8. Feeling no pain.


Blogger Graham Hand said...

Without. Since the WC, I now have a unique vehicle which not even a German can own.

10:48 AM  

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