Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 2. Looking around Cape Town

In a much better mood after a good night's sleep, here at the V&A Waterfront.
One of the things I love about the World Cup is the way people from so many nations invade the host cities. Cape Town has gone football crazy, and there's massive local support. South African flags and shirts are everywhere.
But there are a lot of Aussies, punching way above our weight. We run into more Aussies at every turn, and there will be thousands heading for Durban in a couple of days.

A beautiful day in Cape Town, here at the top of Table Mountain. Stunning views on a crystal clear day. This point overlooks the new Green Point stadium, capacity 66,000, where all the Cape Town games will be held. In the distance is Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was held.

On Table Mountain, the people walking around are draped in the flags of Italy, Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, South Africa, England, France and Brazil. There's friendly banter between everyone.

I chat to a South African guy who has lived in Cape Town for years, and this is his first time up Table Mountain. He realised it was weird that it's the first place these thousands of visitors go, and he had never been. He is very confident of his country's chances, and we agree, it will be an Australia v South Africa final.


Anonymous Jenna said...

Aah, football. You always say it's going to bring about world peace. I guess peace on a mountaintop is a good start.

4:25 PM  

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